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Human Cryopreservation
It is an option in several countries and it seems that it will be common very soon in many others. GIBiomed has designed its capsules for individual cryopreservation, considering other possible future uses, including the long term human cryopreservation itself, but -above all- always thinking about the people.

Founder and Chairman of GIBiomed. Has over 30 years of experience as CEO and/or consultant of various international companies in charge of developing large industrial projects in various countries of 4 continents.

GIBiomed´s co-founding partner and CEO of the Company. He has 20 years of international experience in the top management sections in several leading technological companies.

Vice-President of Operations and Managing Director of GIBiomed, with more than 20 years leading many technological projects with its related top qualified staff in Indra.

Director of special technological projects of GIBiomed, and a prominent physicists with 19 years of experience as head of technology department in leading companies.

GIBiomed's Community Manager. She has 15 years of experience in quality manager. She has been developing some web and writing projects for three years.

Industrial Engineer and Blockchain projects expert

Daniel Martin, Strategic Director of the Company.. Daniel is the youngest member of the World Economic Forum in DAVOS and is also a Senior Technical R&D specialized in strategy generator of connections and ecosystems through research and development of medical products (IBM Watson, including a doctoral thesis on Hospitals and Health IDCQ, collaborator of S.L.U /

CFO of GIBIOMED . Ana is a senior Economist MBA with an extensive experience leading Business Administration depts. in large corporations including Lisbona Oil.
About Us
We are entering a new era of Biomedical Engineering at global scale and that will have a very significant and positive impact in our society.
According to that, we share the full conviction that building that future requires a new approach from the industry, so we started a different business project. That implied a corporate model where people is the center of it. A business project based on human values: Humanity, Imagination, R&D, Universality, Collaboration and Sustainability.
Our reason to exist -as a company- is helping to improve life quality and life expectancy of people while playing and active role in the new social and technological revolution that is happening right now. GIBiomed lives and works to discover, invent, design and manufacture brand new devices in the field of Biomedical Engineering that are finally related to the very foundations of life.
So, based on our team´s enthusiasm, skills, proven experience, and previous successful results we are confident that we will get our new goals accomplished. We just need you. If you are interested in our company and/or our products, do not hesitate to contact us. In one way or another we may be travelling together.
It is a collective journey that probably you would enjoy not to miss.